
Desoto ISD Identifies Students Responsible For Handwritten Threat Posted To Social Media


Desoto officials have identified the students responsible for a handwritten threat written on tissue and left in a Desoto High School bathroom.
A handwritten threat listing 18 names, five of which were staff members was left in the restroom and some students took a picture and posted it to social media on December 11.
Parents also posted the threat to social media.
The note was written on toilet paper threatening to shoot up the school for payback Friday morning but the date was set for Monday 12/16/19.
District spokesperson Tiffanie Blackmon Jones issued a statement saying the district and campus will have heightened security as a precaution.
“As is our practice in Desoto ISD, we take all matters of everything we possibly can to maintain a safe learning environment.”
Authorities have identified the student who originally posted the photo to social media as well as the students responsible for writing the threat.
They have not released any of the students names at this time and it is unclear if they will face any criminal charges.


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