
Deceased, Teenage Employee Was A Part Of ‘Staged’ Robbery At Burger King


An unidentified, teenage employee of a Burger King has stated to police that she, her father, and her best friend, Niesha Harris-Brazell, 16, had planned a robbery at the restaurant.

41-year-old Antoine Edwards’s daughter said that the three of them had planned for Edwards to go through the drive-thru.  But, it would have to be when a lot of money was in the register.

On January 2, in Milwaukee, the daughter called her father on the phone. Minutes later, camera footage showed an Impala pull in the drive-thru. Harris-Brazell is seen moving back and holding out money.

Edwards’s daughter, who was working, too, heard Harris-Brazell say, “He’s got a gun.”

Edwards can be observed sticking a gun through the window. Then, another employee, Derrick Ellis, 34, began shooting at the suspect. Police say Ellis who is a convicted felon, wasn’t a part of the plan. He fled the scene and is being sought.

Harris-Brazell was hit by gunfire, accidentally, and died. Her family has denied her involvement.

Police say that Edwards never shot his weapon. He and his daughter were later arrested and confessed to their participation.

Edwards has been charged with felony murder, intentionally contributing to the delinquency of a child and death, and more.

It is unclear what offenses his daughter may face.

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