
Dallas Walmart Shut Down For Cleaning As COVID-19 Cases Rise


The Walmart Neighborhood Market at 2305 N. US-75 Central Expressway in Dallas shut down today at 2 p.m. They will remain closed temporarily for cleaning until January 1, 2022.

Walmart will still adhere to CDC guidelines on masks, insist that unvaccinated employees were a mask consistently, and perform routine health checks on workers.

The company is also offering workers the shot at the store where they work or up to two hours of paid leave to get the vaccine someplace else.

Additionally, if an employee has side effects from the shot, they will get up to three days of leave. If a worker hasn’t been vaccinated yet, Walmart will give them a $150 bonus to get fully vaccinated.

“As an essential business and a member of the Dallas Community, we understand the role we play in providing our customers with food, medicine and other essential items, especially at this time. As you know, several areas across the country have begun seeing a renewed increase in positive COVID-19 cases. We want to assist health officials working against the pandemic,” a Walmart spokesperson stated.

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