
Dallas Code Compliance Officers Will Wear Body-Cameras in Response to Increase of Attacks


The city of Dallas’ Code Compliance department is putting a plan in motion in which its field officers will wear body cameras.

Carl Simpson, the assistant city manager who oversees Code Compliance, has seen an increase in reports from his field workers saying their lives have been threatened on the job.

Although Code Compliance Officers serve notices to businesses and residential homes, the department is only enforcing city environmental and safety codes. They do not make arrests, take people to jail, or even carry a weapon.

However, one Dallas Code Officer had his wallet and phone stolen at gunpoint. Another officer dodged a bullet that flew by him during a fight between two residents.

The department has also seen a drastic increase in reports of officers being attacked while issuing citations.

As a response, the city manager has budgeted $440,000 to purchase 297 body cameras for next year.

The cameras will be worn by Code Compliance and Consumer Health Staff that are out on the field. The footage will be used as a training tool and also potentially give the departments the ability to hold aggressors accountable for their actions.


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