
Dad Arrested After Calling Police Continuously About Child’s Homework


A father was taken into custody after he was said to have called his son’s school and the local police numerous times to complain about homework.

Between February 29 and March 1, Adam Sizemore is accused of making those calls to the Oxford school, in Ohio, authorities say.

He had initially called the school and demanded to talk with the principal who wasn’t able to speak with him right then. Afterwards, he talked to multiple staff members who stated that the man had been “disruptive to school staff and becoming rude while using curse words.”

Sizemore is accused of continuing his behavior to the following day when he kept calling, cursing at employees and the principal.

Then, Sizemore began calling the Oxford Police Department, making 18 calls in lesson than 60 minutes.

He was later apprehended and placed in the Butler County Jail. Sizemore has been charged with two counts of telecommunications harassment and one count of menacing.

He is now out on bond and is set to appear in court at the end of March.

If he is found guilty, Sizemore could spend up to six months in jail and be forced to pay a $1,000 fine for each harassment charge and up to 30 days in jail for the menacing offense.

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