
Couple Cuts Man’s Throat, Throws Him Over Bridge Into River


Authorities say that a Florida couple was taken into custody after luring a man from Facebook on a date and abducting him. They then both cut his throat and tossed him over a bridge in a murder and robbery scheme.

The victim survived the incident and was able to assist authorities in finding the suspects.

25-year-old Natalie Fonseca and 31-year-old Nafis Reynolds were placed in the Escambia County Jail on Monday. They have been charged with attempted murder, kidnapping, armed robbery, arson, and drug-related counts. These all come from the occurrence that happened on Oct.7.

The unidentified victim met Fonseca at the beginning of this month on Facebook, and the victim decided to have dinner with her.

After eating, Fonseca invited the victim to her home where she introduced him to Reynolds who she stated was her ‘uncle.’

After the three traveled to the victim’s residence, the suspects attacked the victim, telling him that he was going to lose his life.

They then took the victim’s phone, wallet and car keys before taking turns in cutting the man’s throat and throwing him into the Escambia River.

Later, the victim’s car was discovered ablaze. This was after the suspects had driven off with his car.

The wounded victim was able to get to dry piece of land where he collapsed. A boater took him to shore. Afterwards, he was able to get to a parking lot and flag down an officer.

After observing his wounds, the victim was transported to a medical facility and was hospitalized. When he was released, he led authorities to Fonseca’s residence.

On Monday, the suspects were located and initially arrested for possession of fentanyl.

Fonseca’s bond was set at $852,000 while Reynolds’s bond was set at $851,000.

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