
Close To 50 Children Missing This Month In One U.S. State


In September alone, more than 45 children went missing in Northeast Ohio.

In August, the state reported that there were more than 35 missing juveniles in the greater Cleveland-Akron vicinity.

Thus far in 2023, there have been 1,072 children reported missing out of Cleveland. This is a 20% increase from this time in 2022.

Local law enforcement agencies normally report missing children cases to the National Crime Information Center which is then placed in the state’s website.

However, the attorney general has noted that inconsistencies happen a lot during this process, like when updating reports. The Cleveland police department has stated that there are also some redundancies.

“…now, what we know is when we look behind the numbers, some of those represent repeated runaways and local police have talked about that,” the attorney general commented.

He added that data in Ohio isn’t always logged in correctly, even if it is connected to repeat runaways, sexual assault evidence kit tracking, or criminal offenders.


  1. Parents need to be parents again. Its too expensive to stay home with your kids and the evil people are taking advantage. Thanks a lot IDIOT POLITICIANS (both sides).🖕🏽

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