
Civil Rights Icon John Lewis Dies At Age 80


Civil rights icon John Lewis died Friday night.
John Lewis,80 was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer later last year.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi conformed Lewis’s death and said “Today, America mourns the loss of one of the greatest heroes of American history: Congressman John Lewis, the Conscience of the Congress.”
Lewis was a Democrat who served 17 terms in the House of Representatives, representing Georgia’s 5th congressional district since 1987.
Lewis along with Martin Luther King Jr was part of the Big Six and helped organize the March on Washington in 1963.
Lewis was respected by both sides in his fight for justice and freedom for all.
He was born in Tory, Alabama and attended segregated school systems.
Lewis was inspired by the likes of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks which prompted him to become an activist.
He was a part of many sit ins, encountered Ku Klux Klans men, was severely beaten several times and places in jail over 24 times.
He also helped organize and speak at the March on Washington and was considered one of the most influential leaders of the movement alongside King.
Nancy Pelosi said in a statement “In the halls of the Capitol, he was fearless in his pursuit of a more perfect union, whether through his Voter Empowerment Act to defend the ballot, his leadership on the Equality Act to end discrimination against LGBTQ Americans or his work as a Senior Member of the Ways and Means Committee to ensure that we invest in what we value as a nation.”

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