
Carlee Russell’s Phone Shows Internet Searches for “..Pay For Amber Alert?”


New information has been released about the Carlee Russell case.

According to a press conference at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, information taken from Carlee’s phone during their investigation shows details leading up to the incident.

Carlee Russell was reported missing last Thursday after she called 911 to report seeing a toddler wandering on the side of an Alabama interstate.

The 25-year-old went missing from the scene, leaving behind her car, phone, and other personal items. Two days later, the 25-year-old reappears at her residence and is taken to the hospital for evaluation.

Carlee’s story to detectives was that she was taken into the forest by a white man with orange hair and put in an 18-wheeler. She claims a woman with the man fed her chips and the couple took photos of her naked.

The Hoover Police Department launched an investigation with help from the Secret Service. After collecting data from her phone and not finding any information that supports her story, they determined her story to be fabricated.

A look into Carlee’s phone shows searches for “Amber Alert” “Taken” and other information relevant to the case.

On July 11th at 7:30 a.m. Carlee searched “you have to pay for an Amber Alert?”

On July 13th, the day of her disappearance, Carlee searched “How to take money from a register without getting caught”.

There were also searches for Birmingham bus station and destination tickets.

Carlee and her family have not spoken with investigators since the initial interrogation.


  1. I don’t know but I knew something wasn’t right when the family said they didn’t even hear child in the background I’m glad she’s okay but that’s messed up because their actual people who need help being found and she was wasting time shame on her

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