
Captive Woman Rescued After Leaving Clues In Public Restrooms


A woman in Colorado has finally been rescued after leaving notes in public restrooms in two counties. The notes stated that she was being held against her will.

The woman told authorities that Corey Brewer, 38, would not let her leave her townhome for over two months. He choked her, raped her, hit her, and threatened to kill her or her children if she notified anyone.

After the woman left a note behind on a Walmart bathroom mirror on July 8, police were called.

“If I don’t make it, tell my family I love them,” the note read.

Days later, she left another note in a bathroom stating she heard police knocking and not to give up.

SWAT arrived at the address provided and found the woman bruised and patches of hair missing. She said that the man was an ex.

She was taken to a medical facility, and Brewer was apprehended.

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