
Camper Won’t Face Punishment For Shooting Co-Worker, Peter Spencer, Nine Times


A man who shot his co-worker, Peter Bernado Spencer, nine times while on a camping trip won’t be charged in the incident.

Spencer, a Black Jamaican immigrant, had been on the trip with his colleague, who is White, in Pennsylvania, in December.

A few hours after being on the trip, the Pennsylvania State Police responded to a call and arrived to a location. They then observed Spencer in the front yard of a cabin. He had nine bullets wounds throughout his body, including six to his chest.

It was said that Spencer was hallucinating from mushrooms and began acting crazy. He then started shooting an AK-47 several times. As he demanded that other campers get on the ground, Spencer’s co-worker shot him.

Now, the district attorney’s office has decided not to press charges against the co-worker, citing self-defense. Additionally, an affairs team analyzed the occurrence and no hate crime was said to have taken place either.

Spencer’s family stated that they will continue to seek justice.

“We are not surprised by it. This is the type of behavior we have seen from the PA State Police.” They plan to meet with a forensic pathologist next week in order to see what the next course of action will be.

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