
Camera Footage Shows TaNeasha Chappelle Calling Out For Help 12 Hours Before She Died


On July 16, 2021, Ta’Neasha Chappell, 23, died after experiencing severe abdominal pain while locked up at the Jackson County Jail in Indiana.

Camera footage, that has just been released, shows Chappell telling officers that she was throwing up blood. This occurred 12 hours before paramedics were called. Chappell is observed laying on the floor, without clothes, crying out for assistance.

At certain times, she couldn’t stand and was laying in her own waste. Officers are seen opening the door, but no one helped her.

At 8:30 a.m., an inmate warned that Chappell might need help. 10 minutes later, she was seen by a nurse. An hour after that, Chappell called again stating that she needed help. She was given Tylenol.

Another inmate then called and reported that Chappell was naked and on the floor. She was told that Chappell would have to ‘hit the button’ if she needed help.

After 3 hours, two lady officers went to Chappell but believed she was faking.

“So, if you’re not gonna get up and get dressed, we’ll leave you alone, and you can sit here and suffer,” they told her.

Emergency crews finally came after close to 24 hours after Chappell had first complained. When she arrived to the hospital, she went into cardiac arrest and died.

Physicians believe that Chappell may have been poisoned and thought her body should have been checked for ethylene glycol, something that is found in cleaning products. Although toxins were found in her body, her cause of death was “undetermined.”

Other doctors and chemists believe that the cleaning chemical wouldn’t cause death. However, they couldn’t find a lab in the U.S. to check the fluid samples for the cleaning agent.

No other evidence pointed to Chappell being poisoned on purpose. The case was closed by the Indiana State Police.


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