
Burger King Sued By Customers For Falsely Advertising Whoppers’ Size


Four Burger King customers are suing the fast-food restaurant chain. They claim that the company has been falsely advertising.

South Florida attorneys have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs who are requesting monetary damages. They note that the restaurant has been “inflating the size of its burgers in images around September 2017.” Before that, the burgers were observed to be “more fairly” shown in its food items.

The lawsuit argues that the Whopper that is displayed on advertisements is about 35% bigger than the actual version. This includes the point that the pictures revealed are double the meat that is what is really provided.

Additionally, the plaintiffs say that the Impossible Burger, the Big King, and the Bacon Double Cheeseburger were also enlarged.

The lawsuit documents remarks made on YouTube and social media that discuss the restaurants food options. Some customers have accused the company’s commercials of making the food look way better than it actually looks in real-life.

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