
Bulletproof Backpack Purchases Have Increased Tremendously After Uvalde Mass Shooting


This week, the nation suffered terrible heartbreak as a gunman went into an Uvalde, Texas, elementary school and killed 21 people. He was later fatally shot by law enforcement officials.

Now, many parents are trying to take precautions to make sure that their child is safe. One way that this has become evident is with more use of bulletproof backpacks.

Reports have indicated that the sell of the bulletproof backpacks have increased around the nation in the last 48 hours. One business noted that their sales have increased by 800%.

Mike De Geus is an ex-secret service agent and CEO/founder of Leatherback Gear. He states that his business saw that 800% increase. Their backpack packs are equipped with the quantity of bulletproof armor provided when De Geus was keeping our presidents safe. These included Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

The Sports One Jr. costs about $250 and is selling the most. The backpack transforms into a bulletproof vest in just seconds. All users have to do is split it into two parts that shield the front and the back of a person. It was created just for active shooting occurrences.

TuffyPacks, another business, has seen a 300% increase in merchandise sales. They offer bulletproof backpacks that contain armor inserts. This company, in Texas, has been utilized by many school districts in the state. However, the Uvalde School District was not affiliated with them.

Other manufacturers for retail stores like Lowe’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods have also reported that supply demand has gone up for their bulletproof backpacks, too.


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