On Wednesday, it was announced that Bruce Willis, 67, has halted his acting career. He is experiencing a medical condition that is affecting his cognitive skills.
“…as a family, we wanted to share that our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues. He has recently been diagnosed with aphasia which is impacting his cognitive abilities,” his daughter, Rumer, wrote on Instagram.
“As a result of this and with much consideration, Bruce is stepping away from the career that had meant so much to him. This is a really challenging time for our family. We are so appreciative of your continued love, compassion, and support,” she added.
The Mayo Clinic notes that aphasia is “a condition that robs you of the ability to communicate.” It can be an effect of a stroke, head injury, brain tumor, or sickness.
The family said that they are staying strong through the ordeal. Additionally, they wanted to ensure that they let his fans know his status.