“I take a car for her leaving ATL lol BIG LIE ‼️She left Atl out of no where because she knew her moms had filed child support papers on me.This after I brought u 80k car. I’ve always taking care my children. She wasn’t saying this two weeks ago when she was n Atl going on shopping sprees everyday n has never said this but now I’m not a dad (Spoiled)If u go down talk you father talk the truth about your mother who’s been arrested over 12 times for stealing n been in n out of jail her whole life .Your dad always tried to raise you not to be this woman. U called another woman mama the first 3 years of your life.We took care you when she was n out of jail. Your mother named you after another man when u was born.I changed your name n took responsibility.When u lived n Atlanta u went to private schools n excelled under my roof.when she got you she controlled your mind. What moms lets 19 year old men stay with you when you were 15 smh. What mom n Daughter get together to put child support on great dad then play like u don’t know what’s going on. What mom waits till YOU have 19 months before you make 18 to file child support lol it’s a money grab gtfoh You have no guidance n that household. Your grandmother has spent over 17 years of her life n jail for stealing also. N MAY FOR YOUR BDAY when u got the car n RACKS yo moms said I was the best dad smh Take ya lick lol y’all tried to play me n got played. Y’all will not be n that 2023 AMG BENZ BOO-BOO y’all know I’m not the one to play with ‼️‼️‼️‼️NO LIES TOLD AT ALL people will try n kick you when they think you’re down smh”
A MESS!! They should’ve kept this behind closed doors! SMH
Kids need to stay n a childs place
For real
Who cares.
I just spoke with a young last about a similar situation whereas her momdid tell her about her dad because he was with another woman when she found out she was pregnant and decided herself nit to tell the man . Now tge man that raised her on his death bed told her who real father was and it wasnt him. I say this to say parents need to be parents and stop using the children for stuff tgat tgey have nothing ti be involved accept for being a child. She has missed birthdays and a whole anotger family side sge could have been apart of growing up . She so confused cause still to this day her mon still will not tell her why she really made that decision. We can all learn something about being parents we are all not perfect but we can try like hell to break the cycle