
BodyCam Video Released By Ohio Police Shows Officers Raiding The Wrong Home And Injuring A Toddler Inside


A young mother in Elyria, Ohio, is seeking an apology after police raided her home while her medically-challenged toddler was there.

On Jan. 10, officers executed a search warrant on the residence due to a criminal investigation. Authorities say that they deployed two “flash-bangs” outside of the home.

Courtney Price says that she didn’t get a chance to open the door as her 17-month-old baby had been in his baby swing during the occurrence. She recalled seeing the flash and then smoke seeping through her window.

Price was put into handcuffs as her son was still in the residence while officers investigated. The toddler had been in the home for 39 minutes prior to be taken out of the house, Price reported.

Authorities were seemingly looking for a teenager whom Price wasn’t familiar with.

The police department stated that officers did go to the correct home. However, Price says that the person had moved.

“It’s not whether they came in and did the raid wrong or not. It’s that they didn’t do the detective work,” Price noted.

She added that her son has pre-existing medical conditions due to his prematurity. He experienced chemical irritations from the flash-bangs, she stated. According to a Facebook post, the family stated that the toddler, Waylon, had been put in ICU as he needed six liters of oxygen and his eyes, body, and lungs had been burnt by the smoke.

“At least an apology to me and my son is deserved. Not once has anyone tried to check on him,” Price said.

But, authorities don’t believe that the toddler was hurt in the raid.

“Diversionary devices do not produce a continuous burn, and they do not deploy or contain any pepper gas or chemical agents,” the police department said.

1 Comment

  1. Seeking an apology they should do more and apologizing for writing the wrong house and hurting somebody That should be a lawsuit

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