
Black Teen Tased By Students In KKK Attire On Halloween


High school students who wore Ku Klux Klan attire on Halloween are accused of using a stun gun to hit a Black teenager in Woodsboro, Texas.

The teen’s lawyer, Matt Manning, stated that his client was “shocked with a Taser or Taser-like device” on October 31. He stated that the teen is doing well, now.

The three supposed offenders, who are football players at Woodsboro High School, and the teen all go to the same school. The 3 boys were permitted to play in their game on Friday night.

The district stated that they will help with the investigation. However, they can’t punish the students because the occurrence didn’t happen on school property.

But, Manning says that using any type of Taser, which could be deadly, would be aggravated assault which is a second-degree felony. Although things may be handled differently because the boys are minors, he says they still need consequences.

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