
Black Driver For ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Sues Police For $20 Million After Being Held At Gunpoint


Ernest Simon Jr. is a driver for Grey’s Anatomy. He claims that Los Angeles Police officers racially profiled him. He has now filed a lawsuit against them for $20 million.

In March 2021, Simon was working on the show when officers pulled him over. He said it was done in an “unwarranted, unjustified, and unlawful” manner.

Simon’s attorneys say that their client was held at gunpoint for more than twenty minutes. This was done as he was pinned to the ground on hot asphalt.

Court documents describe the 31-year-old as now being “terrified to do his job.” He fears that another incident like that could happen again. It also noted that he is concerned that he could experience another life-threatening occurrence by police simply because he is Black.

Simon’s position called for him to drive cast and crew members from one location to another while filming in Tarzana, California.

Simon was worried “he was going to be shot at his workplace in front of his coworkers for simply being a Black man in the wrong neighborhood,” court records show. Attorneys said that the only possible reason why officers retrieved their guns was because Simon was racially profiled.

Simon now would like a trial by jury and wants $20 million in damages.

“What happened to Mr. Simon was beyond unacceptable. It’s another example of a broken system that puts valuable lives in danger and damages spirits,” stated Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Grey’s Anatomy.

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