Authorities Trying To Sentence A Texas Man To 99 Years In Prison For A Crime He Did Not Commit Without Evidence

A Tyler man is facing up to 99 years in prison for a crime that he says he did not commit.
Daryl Lynn Davis,60 believes he is being wrongfully charged for a crime that occurred back in February of 2019. Davis says he was pulled over by police during a traffic stop, in which he allowed officers to search his vehicle, and accused of putting something inside his mouth.
Officers that stated that they grabbed Davis and restrained him from further destroying any physical evidence. It was also stated that the officers took Davis to a nearby medical facility where reports showed no tests were ran.
When Davis asked for bodycam and dashcam footage he was denied.
North Texas civil rights and criminal attorney Justin Moore said it’s uncommon to be charged with tampering with evidence without the evidence being found.
It was also said that the staff performed several test on Davis and no evidence of cocaine or any drug was detected in his system.
Davis spent three hours in jail on the tampering with evidence charge before being released. Then about a week later he was stopped in Huntsville and arrested for a blue warrant and later released.
After being released Davis says he began to receive mail addressed to another man with the same name as him, just having a different middle name. Darryl Glenn Davis is currently in prison for sexual assault with a deadly weapon in Smith county.
Davis believes officers misidentified when they ran his plates and that’s why they refused to run a toxicology report on him at the hospital.