
Allen West Wife Ordered To Have Interlock Device Put In Her Car


Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West‘s wife Angela West was ordered to have an interlock device put into her car as well as report to an adult service officer for alcohol monitoring on August 24.
Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia released the dashcam video Monday showing when Angela was pulled over and arrested for DWI.
Garcia also went on to say his officer was falsely vilified by Allen West and the arrest was warranted.
Allen took to Twitter Tuesday by saying that the video Chief Garcia posted was highly edited.
He also said it failed to include when Angela told the arresting officer about her brain aneurysm.
The incident happened last Friday when Angela was leaving a restaurant with her 2 year old grandchild.
She was pulled over by a Dallas police officer and asked to complete a field sobriety test. She was then arrested for DWI.
Allen and his wife claim her innocence.
They say she had not been drinking at all that night.
A blood toxicology test was also given but the results have not been released.

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