Actress Regina King’s son, Ian Alexander Jr., has died at the age of 26.
His cause of death is suicide. Additionally, King has confirmed the tragedy.
“Our family is devastated at the deepest level at the loss of Ian. He is such a bright light who cared so deeply about the happiness of others. Our family asks for respectful consideration during this private time. Thank you,” the actress said in released statement.
Ian was Regina King’s only child. His father is her former husband, Ian Alexander Sr., a record producer.
Ian was a dj that followed his dad’s musical path. He recently celebrated his birthday on Wednesday.
Regina King and her son had a special bond.
“You don’t know what unconditional love is until you have a child…When you experience it, it is the most fulfilling (thing) ever, ” she said in a magazine interview in 2007.
The pair also had matching tattoos that read in Aramaic, “unconditional love.”
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