Target seems to have plans to build a $22.7 million store in North Texas that will likely be the region’s first example of the retailer’s new, bigger design concept. A Target spokesman told the Star-Telegram that the company had no “new store news to share at this time.” However, a business filing with the state shows that Target intends to begin construction this fall. This will be one of the largest Targets in North Texas. The new store will be located, at 2755 W. University Drive.

This new Denton store will be over 149,000 square feet, Targets are usually around 125,000 square feet.
One of the most visible changes is more light. The new Targets will have larger windows allowing for natural light, a change from the windowless stores’ shoppers are accustomed to.

New Targets will have expanded food and beverage selections and displays of exclusive brand partnerships, as well as “built-in sustainability” elements such as natural refrigerants and rooftop solar panels with a company aim of net zero emissions by 2040.
The new store designs were virtually tested.