A 9 year old Ft. Worth Girl dies hours after the courts approve her parents request to keep her on life support until Monday.
Payton Summons was diagnosed with cancer and was brought to Cooks Children Medical Center on September 25 after she went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing. Doctors found a tumor that was cutting off her circulaton and declared her brain dead less than 24 hours of arriving.
Summons parents hired an attorney to help them keep their daughter on life support because she still had a heart beat. The courts granted their order until October 1 and when they saw no improvement the family asked for an extension so they could try and find another facility that would take her.
Attorney for the hospital appealed the order saying that “asking a hospital to maintain a dead person on ventilations and continue treating a deceased deteriorating body was medically, ethically and morally repugnant.
The judge granted the order for October 22 but Summons heart stopped beating Friday evening around 8:30pm.