
76 Year Old Woman Sent Back to Prison After Not Answering Her Phone


Gwen Levi, 76, had served 16 out of 24 years of her prison sentence. She was convicted of conspiracy to sell at least one kilogram of heroin. Last year, she was one of the prisoners released to help the prevention of contacting Covid-19.

Now, she has gone back to prison. She was apprehended for not answering her phone when officers tried to call her. Levi said that she was in computer class at the time.

It has been reported that authorities observed through her ankle monitor that she was not in her correct location. When they couldn’t reach her after a few hours, they noted it as “escape.” They said that her activity was not approved.

“I feel like I was doing all the right things. Breaking rules is not who I am. I apologize to my mother and family for what this is doing to them,” Levi declared.

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