6th Grader Dies During Football Practice After Collapsing and Not Having Any CPR Certified Adults Nearby

A 12-year-old boy from New Jersey died after he collapsed during football practice and had no CPR-certified adults to render aid.
Elijah Jordan Brown Garcia was doing football drills during practice on February 10 at Academy Charter School in New Jersey.
Suddenly, the 6th grader collapsed on the field, a couple of yards from his younger brother.
The youth football team’s head coach happen to leave earlier and placed a different coach, along with parents, in charge.
Unfortunately, none of the adults were CPR certified, and, aside from calling 911, didn’t take any action to render aid.
According to the family, it took over 30 minutes before EMS arrived and transported Elijah to the University Hospital in Newark where he died.
Couldnt someone google it? It’s not that hard. Poor kid. Very sad.
that ish is crazy and i feel you on that people google and you tube everything in today life..smfh
Everyone should know cpr
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