
4 Year Old Accidentally Given Adult Covid-19 Vaccine


A 4 year old Maryland girl was accidentally given an adult Covid-19 vaccine instead of the flu shot by her local pharmacist.
Victoria Olivier says she took her daughter to a Baltimore Walgreens to get her flu shot but her child was given the Pfizer adult Covid-19 shot instead.
The vaccine has not yet been approved by the FDA for children under 12.
The Oliver family says they do not plan to have the case investigated.
Walgreens released a statement saying, “Patient safety is our top priority. Events like this are extremely rare and we take this matter very seriously. We are in touch with the patient’s family and we have apologized. Our multi-step vaccination procedure includes several safety checks to minimize the chance of human error. We’ve recently reviewed this process with our pharmacy staff in order to prevent a future occurrence.”


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