
Judge Removed From Bench For Making Racial Slurs And Sexually Explicit Comments


Probate Judge Randy Jinks, of Talladega County, was removed from office Friday after being accused of racist, sexually inappropriate behavior.
The nine member panel of the Alabama Court of the Judiciary unanimously voted that Jinks failed to uphold the integrity and independence of the court system.

Jinks allegedly made a comment about George Floyd saying, ‘I don’t see anything wrong with the police killing him’ and that he ‘pretty much got what he deserved.’
In March, Jinks appeared on WOIL-TV and denied any wrongdoing after he was suspended.
‘I am a decent person,’ Jinks said. ‘I am very respectful around women.’
Darrius Pearson, a black employee, testified in May 2019 that when Jinks saw his new car, he said that he could not afford one on his judge’s salary.
He then asked him, ‘What you doing, selling drugs?’
Jinks attorney says that the complaint was ‘concocted by a few disgruntled’ employees and that allegations of racist comments by Jinks were ‘fabricated to generate antagonism with the public.

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