
3 Crandall Coaches Placed on Leave After 8th Graders Obtain Injuries From Exercise Punishment


Three Crandall Middle School coaches were placed on administrative leave after students received injuries on their hands while forcefully doing bear-crawl exercises.

More than 80 eighth grade students in the girl’s athletic program were punished for tardiness, dress code violation, and other offenses. As a punishment, the girls were forced to do extended bear crawls on the school’s, artificial turf, football field.

10 students have officially filed complaints, leading the Crandall ISD Police Department and the district administrators to launch their own, separate investigations.

Security footage, which is being used as a part of the investigation, shows the students showing their hands to the teachers and complaining.

All 3 coaches that were present at the time of the incident have been placed on administrative leave.


  1. I woulda just not done it what are the coaches gonna do yell at me lmao shit i can get just as loud as they can

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