
$3, 000 Bonus to Be Given to Desoto ISD New and Current Employees


Desoto ISD is providing $3,000 bonuses for all current and new employees. This is an effort to praise and keep teachers.

The district is using the state’s school emergency relief grant fund to reward all employees. This includes custodians, food service workers, teachers, and principals.

“Everyone in the system is a difference maker,” stated Mia Story, Desoto ISD Chief of Human Resources.

This will result in new teachers having the chance to see checks like never before.

“To make $61,000 straight out of college is almost unheard of,” said Story.

If teachers assist students in growing, they could have another $10,000 added to their earnings. It is possible that a Master teacher could receive a $29,000 bonus.

The state’s new performance pay scale hones in on student growth rather than achievement scores. This will help reward teachers in schools impacted the most by the pandemic.

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