
2-Year-Old Texas Boy Orders 31 Cheeseburgers From DoorDash, Using His Mom’s Phone


Barrett, a 2-year-old in Kingsville, Texas, accidentally ordered 31 cheeseburgers from McDonald’s by using his mom’s DoorDash account.

Kelsey Golden said that her son retrieved her phone from her while she was working, on Monday. This is common for the toddler to do as he enjoys taking pictures of himself. This time though, Golden thought that she had locked her phone.

When the mother got a notification detailing why her food order was late, she knew there was a problem.

“Then, I heard a knock at the door. I came out, and it turns out they were at our house. (The delivery driver) was like ‘You order 31 burgers?’ It’s like ‘oh wow, no, I didn’t order these.’ But I did. My son did,” Kelsey stated.

The mother says that from now on, she will make certain that her phone is locked.

Her order came to $91.70. This included the little boy being so nice that he left a $16 tip.

In the end, Barrett only ate a half of one cheeseburger. Golden distributed the rest to her neighbors.

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