
19 year old Timothy Simpkins sentenced to 12 years in prison for Timberview HS shooting


Timberview HS shooting trial: Witnesses describe 'chaos' in school on first day of testimony

The young man who shot two students and a teacher in 2021 at Timberview High School has been convicted of attempted capital murder.

Timothy Simpkins’ family and attorneys claimed the shooting was a case of self-defense due to Timothy being bullied. They said they would present evidence of that at trial, but evidence of bullying was never presented in court.

After the verdict was read, both sides were visibly emotional.

Simpkins lowered his head while being escorted out of the courtroom.


His mother was emotional behind him, eventually leaving the courtroom in tears.

“This is not right. This is not right,” she said.

The state presented jurors with the 45-caliber handgun Simpkins used to injure three people on Oct. 6, 2021, which included two students and a teacher.

Prosecutors said Zac Selby, one of the three victims started a fight with Simpkins in class that morning. After Selby and Simpkins were separated, Simpkins pulled out a gun he brought to school and opened fire.

Surveillance video shows that Simpkins then followed  Selby out of the classroom into the hallway, firing more rounds.

Prosecutor Rose Anna Salinas stressed that the evidence presented this week in court showed Simpkins as a cold-blooded killer.

“Every time he discharged that weapon, it was an intentional act. Every single time,” she said.

The defense claimed Selby, who was 15 at the time, was the aggressor and caused  Simpkins to fear for his life.

The judge previously ruled the jury couldn’t consider the shooting justified by self-defense when deliberating.

But the jury convicted Simpkins of attempted capital murder.

As Simpkins was taken away, the prosecution was seen smiling and hugging audience members, including two teachers who testified.

Teacher Calvin Petit, who was shot in the back,  smiled as he embraced his family.

Meanwhile, outside of the courtroom, Simpkins’ defense attorney was holding members of Simpkins’ family, who were visibly upset.

The defense nor the state made any statements after the verdict on Thursday.

While on the stand Simpkins apologized for his actions and asked for probation. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.


  1. Expect another balloon release in about another five or six years. He will kill another black guy in about that time when he’s back out. Already proved that he is willing and he will go for another black dude. Only reason he got so little is the blacks on the jury let him out early, we always coddle our criminals always want to help them and on doing that we fuxx ourselves.

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