
19-Year-Old Sentenced For Her Role In Robbery That Left Woman Paralyzed


19-year-old Zy’Nika Woods has received her sentence in relation to a jugging incident that occurred in February in Houston. It resulted in a woman being paralyzed.

Woods pled guilty after 18-year-old Joseph Harrell also pled guilty to aggravated robbery causing serious bodily injury.

Documents show that Woods was sentenced to 10 years adjudication.

Harrell was just recently given 30 years in prison for the February 2023 attack on Nhung Troung. It left the 41-year-old woman in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down.

Harrell was seen on a recording picking up Truong body-slamming her to the ground.

The money that was taken was $4,000 that Truong was going to use for her family’s travel to Vietnam.

Harrell must now serve at least half of his sentence before he is up for parole. Because a guilty plea was entered, the other two charges linked to other attacks were dropped.

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