
19 Year Old Man Parole Eligible In 25 Years After Triple Murder


19 year old Marucio Johnson murdered a 16-year-old girl and her parents after he was caught in bed with the girl. On Feb 9th Johnson was allegedly at a teen party that took place at a 16-year-old girl’s house. When the girl’s step-dad walked in and found Johnson in the bed with his step-daughter, Johnson shot and killed him. After shooting the step-dad, he then went and shot the mother, and then the 16-year-old. Johnson claims he shot the girl so there wouldn’t be a witness. All three family members died and Johnson was charged with 3 counts of first-degree murder.

Marucio Johnson took a plea deal and pleaded guilty to all 3 counts of murder. The plea deal calls for Johnson to spend 150 years to life behind bars. Under California law, all youthful offenders are eligible for parole unless they were sentenced to life without parole. This plea deal and California law means that Johnson will be parole eligible after serving only 25 years.


  1. Wow! This is just sad. No value for a persons life anymore. The weed man get more time than that. What a backward twisted justice system!

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