
115 Men Apprehended In Sex Trafficking Operation


In an effort to decrease sex trafficking, Tarrant County law enforcement officers apprehended 115 men.

On September 1, a new law was put into motion. It raised the penalty for soliciting sex from a misdemeanor to a felony. Hence, Operation Buyer Beware was put into place.

During the sting, officers got online and portrayed themselves as children, sometimes, to identify perpetrators.

Various men from their 20’s to early 70’s were arrested.

Officials have stated that although these apprehensions were made, the main goal is to stop the demand that encourages human trafficking for the sex trade.

“One of the main reasons that the cartels are involved in smuggling people across the border of Texas, into Texas and other parts of the US, is to fuel the sex trafficking industry,” said the regional director of Texas DPS.

Fort Worth Police, Arlington Police, Department of Homeland Security, and Tarrant County Constables were all apart of the operation.


  1. Why ive instilled in ny daughters: YOU dont TRUST noone. Not your Associates, YOUR so called Friends. They could be the very ones setting you UP!

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