
$10K Reward Offered For Missing Correctional Officer Vicki White And Murder Suspect Casey White


An Alabama corrections officer and an inmate charged with murder went missing on Friday.

Vicki White is an assistant director of corrections at a county sheriff’s office. She had been taking Casey White, the inmate, from the detention facility to supposedly a courthouse. The two are not related.

Vicki White had stated to a guard that she was transporting Casey White to the Lauderdale County courthouse. She then said she was going to get medical care for herself because she was feeling ill.

Officers say that there was no planned mental evaluation on Friday for Casey. To add, he never made it to the courthouse. Vicki White never arrived at her stated destination either.

No one realized that the two were missing for many hours later.

When officers attempted to reach Vicki White by phone, it went directly to voice-mail. They then saw that Casey White hadn’t come back to the facility.

Casey White had been serving 75 years for various crimes and murder.

Vicki White was responsible for planning all transports from the detention center to the court. She knew the guidelines, a sheriff said.

There are three possibilities that authorities are investigating. One is if Vicki White was attacked and kidnapped. Others are if she helped Casey White get away, or she helped him because she was made to do so.

Vicki has been employed at the sheriff’s office for close to twenty years. Therefore, many there are worried about her.

Case White is said to be 6-foot-9 and thought to be armed and dangerous.

Vicki White “was armed with a 9mm handgun, which means we are assuming he is armed,” a spokesperson stated.

“Knowing the inmate, I think she’s in danger whatever the circumstances. He was in jail for capital murder, and he has nothing to lose.”

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