
10 Year-Old With Autism Commits Suicide After Alleged Bullying


Brittany Tichenor said her daughter, Isabella,10, was often bullied and taunted at school in North Salt Lake City, Utah.

Now, Isabella’s family is grieving after she committed suicide this past weekend subsequent to a bullying incident at school.

A statement released by the family said that nothing was done when the bullying was reported to the school. It was also stated that it was easy for the child to be bullied because a teacher participated in the behavior.

The family’s lawyer said that Isabella was bullied because she was Black and autistic.

In October, the Department Of Justice found the school has “serious and widespread racial harassment” by staff and students.

During a two year investigation, they uncovered many black students were told their “skin looked dirty and like feces. Furthermore, they were called the n- word by people of other races.

The DOJ found that the Davis School District was unresponsive to allegations of racial harassment for many years.


  1. Shut the school down! They don’t need any help from the government to help then teach those idiots how to hate people. Sending Prayers To The Family, May Her Soul Rest In Peace Now💕

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