
10-Year-Old Denton Boy Fighting To Stay Alive After Being Shot By Mother’s Former Boyfriend


On July 4, a shooting occured in Denton, Texas, and left a 10-year-old boy in critical condition.

Now, Cody John is fighting to stay alive as he is in an intensive care unit at Cook’s Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth.

Documents show that Cody and his mother had been in their front yard when the mother’s former boyfriend, Travis Rollins, pulled up to the residence, close to the 3900 block of Teasley Lane. He then started shooting continuously.

Authorities say that Rollins chased the mother all the way back into the home. He then shot Cody six times in the head and face.

The child has suffered a ruptured lung, broken femur, and fractured jaw. His bladder now contains a bullet hole, and one of the bullets in his head can never be removed. Although he has already had several surgeries, he still has a long way to go.

Relatives of the mother say that Rollins had abused the woman when they were a couple. She reported Rollins to authorities in Midlothian and cut off their relationship.

Rollins is currently in the Denton County Jail on a $1 million bond. He faces two charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

An investigation is continuing.


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