
$1 Million In Cash & Jewelry Stolen From The Home Of Tina Knowles


Law enforcement officials in the Los Angeles-area have stated that a recent burglary occurred at the residence of Tina Knowles, Beyonce’s mother.

Taken was an entire safe containing $1 million in cash and jewelry.

Reports indicate that on Wednesday morning, someone from Tina Knowles’s camp had gone by the home and found that the vault was gone.

Tina Knowles was out of town when the burglary occurred, and it isn’t clear how thieves got in.

As of now, investigators are speaking with neighbors and reviewing camera footage.

1 Comment

  1. Just run right out and replace them.. act like the items stolen broke you.. 🤬 obviously the money isnt the point.. but dam lady you got a fk ton of money and your bitching about pocket change? Gtfoh.. you’re rich af and still complain..

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