DFW CitiesNews

Fort Worth Apartment Complex Forces Mother To Live In Unbearable Living Conditions


A woman is seeking help after her apartment complex refuses to fix the unbearable living conditions.

A woman and mother living in Fort Worth says she has her children and sick mother living with her in Sierra Hermosa apartments located on 3254 Las Vegas Trail.

The woman says she has moved three times within the last year and can’t afford to move anymore.

When she came home from work she noticed water all over her living room floors as well as ants and roaches.

She also has mice crawling out of her stove onto her food and crawling into her refrigerator eating her childrens food.

She’s recorded the incidents and showed them to management as well as reported them to code compliance. Code compliance repeatedly gives the apartment complex tickets but nothing has been corrected.

At this point the woman is waking up with mice crawling on her and her children. The apartment complex is now threatening to put the woman out because of the tickets they keep receiving.

The apartment manager recently had the resident resign her lease on the 1st and promised to fix the living conditions. None of the conditions have been corrected but she is still collecting rent money from various churches.

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