DFW CitiesNews

14 Year Old Killed, Another Teen Injured During A Shooting At A East Dallas Park


A small gathering at an East Dallas park early Saturday morning left a 14 year old dead and a 19 year old wounded.

Officers responded to a shooting call at the Old East Dallas Work Yard Park located on the 4900 block of Alton Ave.

The incident occurred a little before 1 a.m. when officers arrived and found two males suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Both victims were transported to an area hospital where the 14 year old succumbed to his injuries. The 19 year old suffered non life threatening injuries.

Authorities are speaking with witnesses and checking surveillance cameras in the area.

It was said a group of people met at the park for a gathering and got into an altercation with another group. Shots were fired.

The suspect(s) fled the scene before officers could arrive.

This investigation remains ongoing.


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