VideoA mother is seeking answers after her 13-year-old daughter was assaulted by adults in Cedar Hill, Texas.smashdatopic2 months ago
VideoSenitive Video shows the suspects involved in the murder on 7500 Chaucer Placesmashdatopic2 months ago
VideoSensitive Video: Outrage After Release of Footage Showing Inmate’s Fatal Beatingsmashdatopic2 months ago
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VideoVideo: Siblings are concerned after their mother’s home was burglarized in the Oak Cliff area off Sunnyvale & Ledbettersmashdatopic1 year agoSeptember 15, 2023666Siblings are concerned after their mother’s home was burglarized. Police are investigating. This is happening off Sunnyvale & Ledbetter area...
VideoVideo: A Crowley middle school teacher has been placed on administrative leave following a physical altercation with a studentsmashdatopic1 year agoSeptember 15, 2023899An investigation is underway after an altercation in a classroom between a student and teacher became physical. It is unclear...
DA Award 🥇VideoVideo: The police really witness the shooting at the 4800 block of Scyene in Dallassmashdatopic1 year agoSeptember 15, 2023930Update: The suspect has been identified as 45-year-old Juan Vincente Zavala Lopez. He has been charged with Murder and one...
VideoLive Video and Update with Chief Garcia; Officer Shot on the 4800 block of Scyene rd, Dallas, TXadmin1231 year agoSeptember 15, 2023667Update: The suspect has been identified as 45-year-old Juan Vincente Zavala Lopez. He has been charged with Murder and one...
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VideoUpdate: Man fatally shot by McKinney Police in the Woodside Village Aptsadmin1231 year agoSeptember 12, 2023937Update on Police Involved Shooting in McKinney At 8:16 this evening, Officers responded to the 700 block of Bumpass Street...
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VideoDeceased person on Fitzhugh and Belmont, Dallas, Check On Your Peopleadmin1231 year ago836I’m not live anymore if you seeing this but you can still comment if you login… You don’t have to...