
North Texas Man Coming Out Of Homelessness Gifted With A New Car, Training To Become A Manager At McDonald’s


After being newly hired at McDonald’s, Derrick Mounter doesn’t mind serving burgers and fries.

Although he was just blessed with a job, he really wasn’t ready for the huge surprise that came last week.

“Oh my God,” Derrick stated as he walked up to a car in a parking lot.

Inside the vehicle were two special people who Mounter met almost 2 months ago.

Weeks ago, it was reported that Mounter was homeless and had been for close to 4 years. That was until one day in January when Doug and Kylie Evans were driving and saw him outside in the cold. They transported Mounter to McDonald’s in Lewisville to get out of the cold.

Paloma Robles was the manager that day and decided to help Mounter. After hearing his story, she offered him a job. Robles said that Mounter is an excellent employee, even showing up 15 minutes early although he has to walk every day.

But, not anymore.

After the story was publicized, Frank Kent Motor Company assisted in getting Mounter a car. A 2013 Toyota Corolla which led him to cry immediately.

“Thank you God,” Mounter whispered as he cried.

It’s evident that it’s more than just a vehicle. Mounter stated that it’s a sign that he can go any direction in life.

What’s more, Robles has already begun training him to be a manager. However, no matter what job title he has, Mounter said that he was given the one thing everyone deserves: a chance.

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