
Woman Smacks Mother In The Face With Grits Following Dispute Over Pizza


A 28-year-old woman in Florida has been arrested after being accused of smacking her mother in the face with grits as they had a disagreement about pizza.

Jakiela Mobley was apprehended and charged with battery after the occurrence that happened in Marion County on Monday morning.

Mobley told authorities that she had been sleeping on the street on Sunday night. However, she had requested that her mother come and get her so that she had could somewhere to sleep peacefully. The following morning, she told her mother that she was going to prepare a pizza and place it in the oven. But, her mother said that she was making grits and that she could have some or instructed her to make breakfast food instead.

Mobley started to argue with her mother, grabbed the pot of grits, and hit her mother in the face with them.

Mobley attempted to place fault on her mother, stating that she had grabbed a hold of the grits and hit herself in the face with them to make it look like she had been battered. But, authorities saw grits on the side of Mobley’s mother’s face and a mark created by a hand in the grits which validated the mother’s statement.

Mobley has been apprehended several times for battery. She has now been arrested and was taken to the Marion County Jail for this incident.

Her bond was placed at $2,500.

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