
Woman Charged With Abuse Of Corpse After Suffering Miscarriage, Leaving Fetus In Toilet


33-year-old Brittany Watts has been charged with felony abuse of a corpse after she is said to have plunged a toilet after suffering a miscarriage at 22 weeks. She had been using the restroom at the time of the occurrence.

Investigators in Warren, Ohio, stated that they discovered a baby stuck in a toilet at Watts’s residence on September 22.

“She said she felt the baby come out, and there was a big splash,” one detective noted.

When an autopsy was conducted, no injury to the fetus was found. Additionally, it was noted that the unborn fetus had died prior to passing through the birth canal. Watts’s medical documents also show that she had been to the hospital twice before delivery.

Watts’s lawyers have argued that the fetus wasn’t viable and wasn’t going to be because she had premature ruptured membranes, her water had broken early, and the fetus was too early to be delivered.

However, prosecutors say that it isn’t about how or when the child died, but that the baby was put into a toilet and left there as Watts carried on with her day.

The case has now gone to a grand jury.


  1. Leave her alone. She’s traumatized and ashamed. This got worse and worse. Just bury the baby and let’s all move on. Charging her will not bring justice.

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