
Speeding Driver Issued $1.4 Million Citation As A ‘Placeholder’


Connor Cato, a man from Georgia, has been hit with a $1.4 million speeding ticket after driving more than 90 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone, he reported.

Cato says that he was aware that he was going to be fined as he was speeding on the way to his residence on September 2. However, he had no idea it would amount to that.

“‘$1.4 million,’ the lady told me on the phone. I said, “This might be a typo’ and she said, ‘No sir, you either pay the amount on the ticket, or you come to court on Dec. 21at 1:30 p.m.”

On the other hand, local authorities have now stated that the huge amount is just a “placeholder,” made by e-citation software.

A judge will ultimately figure out what the penalty will be, the city of Savannah noted.

The software “depicts the largest number possible because super speeder tickets are a mandatory court appearance and do not have a fine amount attached to them when issued by police,” the city added.

City officials did say that the real fine cannot exceed $1,000.

To avoid problems later, the Recorder’s Court is now reviewing the placeholder language used in e-citations.

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