
Woman Taken Into Custody After Stabbing Her 1-Year-Old Niece Instead Of Dog That Took Her Sandwich


On Tuesday evening, a woman in Indianapolis attempted to stab a dog with a knife; however, she wound up stabbing her 1-year-old niece instead.

Just after 11 p.m., a dog grabbed the 32-year-old woman’s sandwich. This occured inside of a hotel with the woman’s sister and her children, police say.

She was attempting to stab the dog in order to get her sandwich back.

The mother of the young child wasn’t in the room when her daughter was stabbed. She quickly called authorities, and the suspect left the scene.

When officers arrived, they located the suspect, close to a bush and apprehended her for criminal recklessness after communicating with the county prosecutors.

The 1-year-old was transported to a medical facility in critical condition but is now in serious condition. However, she is expected to survive. Reports indicate that she has a fractured skull and required stitches in her ear.

The suspect was later arrested and identified as 32 year old Sharon Key. She was charged with criminal recklessness.


  1. Why? This whole thing is idiotic. Where did the dog come from? Who wants a sandwich after a dog slobbered on it? None of this makes sense other than another example of idiots breeding more idiots. Poor kid.

  2. Why not just make another sandwich and not sit it down where the dog can get it. Damn why is it so hard to get all that energy you used stabbing a dog and a child over your stupidity of sitting a sandwich down in front of a dog!! It reacted the same way you would if they dropped crack rock in front of you!! SMH your💩💩

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