
Man Given 40 Years For Breaking Out Of Prison Right Before The Completion Of 7-Year Prison Sentence


21-year-old Shunekndrick Huffman, a man from Mississippi, was given a 40-year sentence in state prison. This came after he escaped from a correctional facility and kept three people hostage at gunpoint in 2022. At the time, he had only had a few months left in finishing a seven-year sentence.

Huffman had pled guilty to two counts of kidnapping before receiving his punishment.

In August 2022, Huffman broke out of the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility. He had almost finished his seven-year sentence for aggravated assault with an expected release date of December 2022.

Detectives say that Huffman escaped and went to a residence that was close by.  For multiple hours, he held the homeowner and two daughters at gunpoint. Huffman then took a vehicle that belonged to one of the hostages. He crashed it and fled close to the Mississippi State Hospital campus.

After being located in a trash can, near a residence, Huffman was apprehended.

The Central Mississippi Correctional Facility later vowed to review and upgrade its siren system to put a stop to future break outs.


  1. Lawd Hamm Mercy. Dumbest criminal show need this one. He’s living proof that prisons in no way, shape or form , rehabilitate folks. First of all whoever gavh him this name to live with should be locked up… I pray this is a typographical error… Secondly, what type of poor impulse control do you have that you did six years plus some months of a 7 year sentence THEN decide to escape MONTHS before your release?🤦🏽‍♀️

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