
Transgender Woman Who Showed Penis At YMCA Acquitted Of Indecent Exposure


Rachel Glines, a transgender woman, who is said to have flashed her penis inside of a female locker room at an Ohio YMCA, has been found not guilty of indecent exposure. This came after a judge, David McNamee, stated that she was “too fat” to be able to reveal her genitals.

Court documents show that in February, Glines, who used to go by Darren, was charged with indecent exposure after witnesses stated that women and minors observed a “naked man” in the locker room. They had reported that a penis could been seen. Gline’s attorney noted that Gline’s body fat hid the genital area, so it is impossible that anything body parts were exposed. The judge agreed and also noted that Glines had permission to be in the locker room.

“Under no circumstance will we investigate an individual’s birth identity and then assign individuals to locker rooms. That would be counter to the law, counter to respect for all people, and it is not who or what we are as an organization,” noted the YMCA of Greater Dayton through a written statement.


  1. Dude should have been charged but i love how the judge basically call him a fat ass lmfao 🤣🤣🤣

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