
Man Sentenced To 3,000 Years In Prison For Sexually Abusing A Minor Thousands Of Times


In November, Matthew Perry, 44, of Greensboro, Pennsylvania, was found guilty of abusing a minor sexually, thousands of times.

He was said to have raped the victim at least one time, every day, for six years. In total, he was found guilty of 13,143 counts. These include rape of a child under 13, deviate sexual intercourse with a child, incest of a minor, and more.

After deliberating for four days, the jury sentenced Perry to 3,000 years in prison, on March 8. The years were linked to how many counts he was convicted of.

Perry won’t be eligible for parole until the year 3523.


  1. That poor child.🤬I really like to know how they come up with these ridiculous numbers. Just say life in prison, and be done already. 3,000 years.

    1. That’s the same thing i was thinking life in prison without the possibility of parole. Who says he want be granted parole? They should just lay this dog down and be done with it.

  2. Prayers for the child and family Heis a sick individual that need to be put up under the jailhouse not in the Jailhouse it’s a waste of taxpayers money

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